
The Romance of Ballooning: The Story of the Early Aeronauts
Ancient Europe, 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000: An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World, 2 Volume set (Ancient Europe 8000 B.C.-A.D.1000: Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World)
A New and Accurate Map of the North Pole with all the Countries hitherto Discovered Situated near or adjacent to it as well as some others more Remote. - Drawn from the latest and best Authorities and Regulated by Astronomical Observations by Eman. Bowen
A J Casson: His Life and Works/ A Tribute
Pen and Ink Drawing signed by Wallace Wood
Lester Dent: The Man, His Craft and His Market
Nigger Heaven
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The Paperback Covers of Robert McGinnis
People of Faith; The Story of Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital 1888 to 2013
Leaven of Malice
The Benko Gambit (Signed/Inscribed by Bobby Fischer)
Children's Literature
Children's Literature
Astley's Wonderful Troop  - Advertisement
Strawberry Soldier
Cooking with Giovanni Caboto
Strawberry Soldier
The Hippie Papers
Turning Points: The Detroit Riot of 1967, A Canadian Perspective
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The Making of the Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Great Lakes: The Natural History of a Changing Region
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The Olney Hymns in three Books
Lester Dent: The Man, His Craft and His Market
The Violent Bear It Away
Mother Night
People of Faith; The Story of Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital 1888 to 2013
Woodwork 4
The Great Wizard of the North John Henry Anderson
Mapping Europe's Borderlands : Russian Cartography in the Age of Empire
Total Aikido: The Master Course (Signed by Tsuneo Ando)
Imperial Apocalypse; the Great War and the destruction of the Russian Empire
Whip Hand
Aboriginal Peoples and Sport in Canada: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues
The Sacralization of Time: Contemporary Affinities between Crisis and Fascism (Radical Theologies and Philosophies)
A String Around Autumn: Selected Poems 1952-1980
The Hippie Papers
Schrödinger's Kitten
Bayswater Shipping
Margaret Williams: An Interwar Feminist